Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Cheeto Incident...

We spend a lot of time with Delgado. He is out of the cage most of the day. My son was eating cheetos, and decided to let Delgado take a nibble and taste it. Delgado took a quick nibble, and then waited. When my son presented the cheeto to him again, Delgado snatched the cheeto right out of Grayson's hand, and proceeded to chow down! Well, as those of you with birds know, birds are very messy eaters!

Since Delgado was on my shoulder, my shirt and the surrounding are was covered in cheeto shavings, so I went to brush some of the crumbs off my shoulder. I sure got yelled at! Delgado screamed at me for touching his crumbs!

Well, that's life with a conure! They have real personality, and can even get cheeky... :)

*Delgado only got about 1/4 of a cheeto...we do not normally give him junk!

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